Parents & Carers
Online Safety Updates
Keep up to date with what your children are using by having a look at these handy guides!

Things are looking a little differently at the moment but that doesn't change our commitment to keeping children and staff safe online.
- Remind your children of our 'SMART' rules.

- Read through the safety rules sent home with your children.
- Remind them to talk to an adult if they are ever unsure!
The following documents provide social networking checklists that you can sit and go through with your children to ensure they know how to keep themselves safe online and what to do if they are feeling uncomfortable. Hard copies of these are available at the Office.
The Online Safety Policy can be found at the bottom of this page.
A couple of documents and sites we find useful!
Childnet is great site to visit for general information about keeping your children safe online. It has a range of child friendly conversations to support you getting the conversation started, as well as games and videos to build awareness.
The NSPCC online safety site has all the updated online safety news, plus can provide resources for well-being apps and age guides for most apps that your children are using.
The NSPCC also has online resources and guides on how to use the range of well-being apps out there.
A quick and easy guide to the top tips of online safety!
Always worth a read!
A handy document if you're not sure how much screen time is just too much!

Here is the school Online Safety Policy.
Please see your child's class teacher if you are worried about your child's online safety or feel you/your child needs some support.