Our Curriculum

Underpinned by the National Curriculum, our curriculum has been custom designed by us to promote and support the culture of the community and the school. Our cycle of study is broad and balanced and has a good balance between personal and academic development. When planning our curriculum we considered the barriers our children may face both socially and academically and asked, ‘What is it that may prevent them from reaching their full potential?’ We have heavily embedded units which predominantly feature and promote SMSC life skills, mental well-being and mindfulness, aspiration building, diversity, acceptance and respect and tolerance for the lives and cultures of others. Teachers are highly skilled at delivering these sessions and Philosophy for Children also plays a part in our timetable during our weekly Jigsaw PSHE lessons.

We use a thematic approach which ensures we can develop and extend writing through a range of genres and varying purpose. However, we recognise the importance of skills within a range of subjects being developed, taught and taught well. Humanities units feature highly in our curriculum and within these books, you will find a balance of both writing learning outcomes and also targeted humanities outcomes.

Where possible, we use specialist or highly skilled teachers to deliver some of our subjects. We have our own specialist Art teacher who teaches Art and Design across Key Stage 2; we also have our own specialist Music teacher who teaches Music to all children from Nurery to Year 6. All Sport and PE lessons are delivered by Mr Riley our sports coach and we have a native Spanish teacher who delivers Spanish across Key Stage 2.

CLASP – Creative Learning Art Sport and Performance are weekly sessions where children are taught in smaller groups to deepen and enhance their life skills and curriculum knowledge. Click HERE to find out more about these curriculum enrichment sessions.

Curriculum long term plans:

Key Stage 1 24-25

Key Stage 2 24-25

Click on the links below to read more about what is taught at school, how it is delivered and how it is assessed.

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