Malala Yousafzai

Yellow House

We have chosen Malala Yousafzai to be the name of a house at our school because she stood up for what she believed in. She was brave and her foundation and her work have made a huge difference to the lives of millions of girls around the world. Malala Yousafzai is an inspiration and she made our world a better place.

Malala House

Led by Mrs Williams  


Year 6 Captain                    Year 5 Vice Captain

February 2024: The Great Spelling Bee Competition

Well done to Nimah in Year 4 who came first in the Lower Key stage 2 round winning 500 house points for Malala House! Michal  (Y5) came 3rd in the Upper Key Stage 2 round and Teddy (y2) came 3rd in the Key Stage 1 round - all eariing lots of house points for yellow house - well done everyone!

December 2023: Design a star competition!

We asked children in school to get involved in designing and making a Christmas star to help us decorate our entrance hall! Everyone got a Christmas selection box for having a go but the winning design was by Hunney in Y6! Here we are judging some of the entries….

June 2024: Bring Me Sunshine!                                                                Poster designed by Amelia

The 12th July is Malala’s birthday and to celebrate in school, the House Captains organised a ‘Make a sunshine’ competiton. Children were invited to design and make a sunshine using any media - paint, collage, 3-d, digital…. it was up to them to choose. Everyone was invited to wear yellow for the day and there were huge amounts of house points to be won on the day!

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