English & Phonics

From Fairy Tales to Shakespeare…


At Bewsey Lodge, we are incredibly proud of our exciting and engaging curriculum, which is underpinned by effective English teaching. Our aim is to enable children to access and understand the world using a wide range of vocabulary, high-quality texts, and engaging writing opportunities. Not only that, we want to inspire children to be confident when speaking and listening and to be able to use discussion to communicate and further their learning. 


Reading, Phonics and Spelling

In the Foundation stage and Key Stage 1, children learn phonics and early reading and writing through the Read Write Inc. programme, which is taught every day alongside additional reading, writing, and grammar-focused lessons.

The Read Write Inc programme supports our youngest children to begin to recognise sounds and decode words, ultimately helping their ability to read. Lessons are grouped to ensure children are working on sounds which suit their ability and help the progress of their learning at that their own level. Books are sent home according to the sounds being taught in their groups, to consolidate this learning at home. In Year One, children take part in a Phonics Screening Check to assess their ability to decode words and read them. In Key Stage 2, students continue with the Read Write Inc. spelling programme to further develop their spelling and phonics skills.

We also follow the Complete Comprehension scheme to support children in developing the secure and confident application of comprehension skills. Sessions are taught daily and focus on explicit vocabulary instruction using engaging text passages from a range of genres, including contemporary and classic fiction.

For an example of the skills and texts covered in Year 3, see below:

Complete Comprehension Overview Year 3


The National Curriculum (2014) forms the basis of all writing teaching, which is delivered as part of a cross-curricular approach. Throughout the week, children will have writing-focused activities, usually linked to their current focus topic. For example, when the children are learning about the Amazon Rainforest as part of their topic, the children take part in a debate about deforestation before writing persuasive letters to the President of Brazil. We also ensure there are opportunities for writing in other areas of the curriculum, such as Science or PSHE.

In addition to this, each class will also experience at least one English-focused topic, from fairy tales in Reception to Shakespeare in Year 6.

There are numerous workshops, visitors, trips and events organised to encourage children’s creativity and inspire a love for reading and writing. In the past, we have had a visit from a storyteller as part of our World Book Day celebrations; poetry workshops for KS2 children with Rhythmical Mike and Terry Caffrey; and trips to the theatre to see ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ and ‘Billionaire Boy’. Gold Class have also recently visited the Julia Donaldson exhibition at The Lowry after reading her stories.

Something incredibly special at Bewsey Lodge is our LAMP books (Look At My Progress). Children from Year 1 to Year 6 complete two pieces of writing in this book every half term. It accompanies them throughout their school journey, enabling teachers, visitors, and the children themselves to witness the remarkable progress they achieve as they advance through school.


Through termly assessments (past SATs papers and nfer papers), children demonstrate their comprehension and word reading abilities. Teachers also assess children’s independent writing using writing assessment checklists. An example of one can be found below:


Our English Curriculum ensures that children leave Bewsey Lodge Primary school:

  • With a love of reading. Children are able to reference a wide range of different authors, from different literary traditions and genres. 

  • With a love of writing. They are able to express their opinions and their creativity in writing that is well structured, clear, technically accurate and interesting to read. 

  • Able to express their opinions and thoughts verbally.

  • Having made the best possible progress as a result of consistent, Quality First Teaching and, where appropriate, additional interventions. 

  • Confident to try new things, experiment with their writing, take risks, and continue to expand their experience of reading. 

English Subject Champions

Our subject champions were selected for their love of English. They are often enlisted to help organise events in school as well look at what has been happening in the subject.

Poetry at Bewsey Lodge

Poetry in Reception

In Reception, the children have been learning and performing different nursery rhymes.

Poetry in KS1

The children in Years 1 and 2 went to the theatre to see ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ after reading the story in class. They absolutely loved it! Following this, the children performed their own poem based on the book.

Poetry in KS2

In Year 6, the children were reading and writing poetry based on the Blitz.

Here is a wonderful example from Conan in Amethyst Class.

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