Design & Technology


At Bewsey Lodge, we believe in giving all children as many opportunities as possible to develop in their learning and design technology is key to opening the doors to new and exciting experiences. Through hands on, practical activities, children are encouraged to learn new skills, build confidence and work collaboratively to share ideas and solve real life problems. We have designed a curriculum which is inspiring, exploratory and practical, providing all students with a range of opportunities and experiences to develop within the area. We aim for our children to use creativity and imagination to research, design and make a range of products that solve real life problems, are fit for purpose and meet the needs of the intended user. Through practical learning, children acquire both skills and knowledge which support development in other cross-curricular subject areas such as computing, science, maths and art.


As a school we are dedicated to delivering high-quality teaching within the subject area from EYFS to year 6. At Bewsey Lodge, all areas of DT are covered from cooking and nutrition to construction and textiles. As children move up the school, skills are built upon and progression is embedded throughout each unit. With every project, children follow the fundamental DT cycle and are taught to:

·         Research pre-existing products to gather ideas.

·         Design their own product based upon such findings.

·         Create their product through practical skill and problem solving.

·         Evaluate their final piece, suggesting changes and improvements.

·         Gain an understanding of health and safety related to the task undertaken.

We have developed yearly overviews which support progression in all areas of DT including: textiles, mechanisms, structures, electrical systems, food and computer aided design. Well planned and resourced projects provide children with a hands on, enriching experience meaning that a range of practical skills and knowledge are developed over time.

Links to class topics allow for greater cross-curricular and purposeful learning and an insight and appreciation for global designers, helps to celebrate the achievements of others which have impacted our world; increasing the cultural capital from which children can draw upon in the future. Sessions are led by teachers however, guest educators often join us to help broaden practical learning experiences. In addition, children often have the opportunity to visit and link with local high schools to further develop knowledge, skills, opportunity and experiences.


Pupils are assessed each half term or following a DT unit, based upon their practical skills and ability within the DT cycle. Attainment is collated using levels which reflect where each individual is working, either below age-related expectation, at age-related expectation or above age-related expectations.

This is used to give an ovrview of the strengths across school and to inform the Design Technology lead of any further areas for curriculum development, pupil support or staff training.

Assessment Overview EYFS Y6

KS2 - Plastic shed workshop

KS2 - construction

KS1- Construction

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