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Welcome to Reception Red

Miss E Matthews

Miss E Matthews


BA (Hons)
Miss E Matthews

Hi, my name is Miss Matthews and I am currently teaching in reception orange. I have a passion for early years and love watching the children learn and thrive in all areas of development. I am thoroughly enjoying my time here at Bewsey Lodge and

Mrs J Lander

Mrs J Lander


Mrs J Lander

Miss L Wailes

Miss L Wailes


Miss L Wailes

PE Day & PE Kit

PE will take place on Tuesday.

Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.

What's New
Download Timetable

Snack Money

Tuck Shop is available after school on Wednesday and Friday.

Toast is available to purchase every day for snack time. Snack costs £1.50 a week and should be paid at the beginning of the week. Children are welcome to bring their own snack from home which is less than 110 calories.

Reading Books
Reading Books will usually be changed on a Thursday. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.

Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge Organiser for Summer 2 2024:



Homework Grid for Summer 2 2024:


Recent Terms Archive



Our topic this half term is:

Seaside Explorers


This half term our topic is called ‘Seaside Explorers’.

We will be learngin all about the seaside this half term. we will be looking at the animals that live in and around the seaside, the different habitats that fish live in and looking at the impact of pollution on sealife.

We will be reading non-fiction books to learn about what is happening in the real world and also learning how to use this type of book. We will learn about the contents page, page headings, labels and captions. We will look at what a glossary is and how the index system works in a non-fiction book.

For our fiction books, we will be reading lots of lovely seaside inspired stories such as Sharing a Shell, Barry the Fish with Fingers, The Rainbow Fish and The Snail and the Whale. the childrne will be learning about how to identify an author and illustrator of a book. We will be looking at blurbs and how they help us to get excited about a story and looking at the structure of a story, using the beginning/middle/end to define the main events.

In maths, we will be focussing on mass, volume and capacity. This will be the first time they children will have been formally taught these topics, so it would be helpful if they were able to compare the concepts of heavy and light, full and empty at home with real life objects. The children will also be learning about money, adding coins together and giving change.

Then we will spend some time looking at data collection before recapping the skills we have been learning through the year by solving some problems using what they know.


At Bewsey Lodge, we cover all the areas of the curriculum to ensure your child has a wider understanding our the world.

Literacy - Fiction books: The Sanil and the Whale, Sharing a Shell, The Rainbow Fish, Barry the Fish with Fingers, The Secret Seahorse. Non-fiction books: Under the Sea, Big Ocean Creatures, I love Sharks, Discoveries under the Sea

Mathematics - Mass, Volume and Capacity, Money, Data, Problem Solving.

Expressive Arts & Design - cutting, sticking, modelling, building, drawing and painting

Personal, Social & Emotional Development - Jigsaw - Changing Me

Week 1 - Life cycles

Week 2 - Changing Me

Week 3 - My Changing Body

Week 4 - Boys’ and Girls’ Bodies

Week 5 - Learning and Growing

Week 6 - Coping with Changes

Understanding the World

Science - The weather, changing state (liquid to solid)

Geography - Our local environment, the seaside

History - Seasonal changes

Important Dates!

Hearing Screening - 12th June 2024

Warrington Walking Day (School Closed) - Friday 28th June 2024

Finish for Summer - Wednesday 24th July 2024 (1pm)

See school diary for more information!



Your children will be in groups for Read Write Inc according to the sounds they know.

Here are some useful links for phonics games that can be completed on a laptop or tablet.

For more information, please click here.

Websites to support your child in their learning:

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