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Welcome to Year 2 - Blue Class

Miss K Kearns

Miss K Kearns


PGCE Primary with English
Miss K Kearns

My name is Miss Kearns and I'm so happy to be one of the teachers for Year 1 and 2 at Bewsey Lodge. I've had the pleasure of teaching at Bewsey Lodge for over 6 years where I've had the privilege of working with children in both KS1 and KS2. I have

Miss T Woods

Miss T Woods


Miss T Woods

PE Day & PE Kit

PE will take place on Friday.

Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.

What's New
Download Timetable

Snack Money

Tuck Shop is available after school
on Wednesday and Friday.

Daily healthy snack is available to purchase every day at break time. Snack can be purchased at morning break. The maximum amount snack will cost is £2 a week. Children welcome to bring their own snack from home which is less than 110 calories.

Reading Books

Reading Books will usually be changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.

Knowledge Organiser


You have been given a Knowledge Organiser and Homework Grid with some tasks relating to our topic.

Each week we will have a focus that has been covered on the Knowledge Organiser.


Recent Terms Archive



Australia…here we come!

Geography Topic

This half term, in Blue class, we’ll be learning all about Australia, including its unique physical and human features, the weird and wonderful animals that live there and the kind of weather the Aussies have down under!

We’ll be comparing the lifestyles and culture in Australia to our own here in England and finding out just how similar, or not, we really are.


In R.E, Mrs Stuart will be teaching the children about Christianity and The Creation Story - the Christian belief of how God created the world and everything in it. How amazing is that?!


In Science this term, we’ll be learning all about seasonal changes and the wonderful weather that comes with them. Did you know that when it’s summer here, it’s winter in Australia? And even though this is true, we still celebrate Christmas at the same time!? Fascinating stuff and throughout this half term, we’ll be learning some more interesting facts about the ways we measure weather and why certain weather happens.


Our Jigsaw unit will be ‘Being Me In My World’

Week 1 - identify hopes and fears for this year.

Week 2 - understand our rights and responsibilities.

Week 3 - rewards and consequences.

Week 4 - listen to other people and contribute ideas about rewards and consequences.

Week 5 - understand how a learning charter helps me and others to learn.

Week 6 - recognise the choices I make and understand the consequences.

Your children will be in groups for Read Write Inc according to the sounds they know. Here are some useful links for phonics games that can be completed on a laptop or tablet.


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