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Welcome to Nursery

Miss N Kirkham

Miss N Kirkham


Nursery Manager
Miss N Kirkham

Mrs G Hampton

Mrs G Hampton


Mrs G Hampton

Mrs G Stretton

Mrs G Stretton


Mrs G Stretton

PE Day & PE Kit

PE will take place on To be confirmed.

Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.

What's New
Download Timetable

Snack Money

We provide a healthy snack during both morning and afternoon sessions.  This will be a time when the children sit at a table with an adult, share a snack with their friends, develop an awareness of healthy food and nurture conversational skills.  This is a valuable opportunity to enjoy learning in a real life context, eg. to use mathematical language when counting to share pieces of cheese or describing the length of a variety of bread sticks. 

  • Please note it is vital we are aware of any allergies or dietary requirements - please talk with us if your child cannot eat or be in contact with certain ingredients.

  • Please pay £2.00 per week for your child's snacks; you can pay weekly, a few weeks at a time or for the whole half term, whichever you prefer.  This half term is 6 weeks long, if you prefer to pay for the whole half term the cost is £12.00.

Reading Books

Please share a book with your child every night, this is an incredibly valuable way to spend time together.

Knowledge Organiser

Information regarding specific learning is available via this website; each half term you will be provided with a summary of topic based, experiential learning.

Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1.docx


Our half-termly homework grids contain learning activities for you to enjoy together; these will support & extend your child’s/children’s learning in Nursery.  You will receive printed copies of these & they are available via this webpage.

Homework Autumn 1.docx

Recent Terms Archive

Welcome to the Nursery

at Bewsey Lodge

Our topic this half term is….


Welcome to Bewsey Lodge Nursery!

We are very excited to welcome our old friends back and meet lots of new friends in the coming weeks.

As with every term in Nursery but especially after some time away, we will be spending lots of time getting to know one another and making sure that all children feel safe and secure in their new environment.

We will be taking part in small circle times during our topic ‘ourselves’ where we can practise our speaking and listening skills sharing about our likes and dislikes, similarities and differences, and discussing our home and families. As an extension to the discussion, the children will be making self-portraits, a family tree and food tasting.


The Early Years Curriculum is based in holistic learning and development; throughout their day in our Nursery, your child will be continually learning within one or more of these areas simultaneously.


PSE is at the core of everything we deliver at Bewsey Lodge Nursery. We believe it is not until our children feel safe, happy and confident that their learning will truly begin. As such, a large part of what we will be doing this half term, is supporting the children in building new and secure relationships with staff and children alike. A part of this, will include working together to establish simple rules we need to follow in order to keep our space safe and friends happy. These will include trying our hardest to have kind hands, kind words and to be kind friends. We will begin to understand and label our emotions using words to say how we are feeling including; happy, sad, angry and excited.

To further support their PSE development, the children will also take part in weekly Jigsaw lessons in line with the wider school. This half term our topic is Being Me In My World.

Week 1 – Who………Me? I understand how it feels to belong and that we are similar and different.

Week 2 – How am I feeling today? I understand how feeling happy and sad can be expressed.

Week 3 – Being at Nursery, I can work together and consider other people’s feelings.

Week 4 – Gentle hands, I can use gentle hands and understand that it is good to be kind to people.

Week 5 – Our rights, I am starting to understand children’s rights and this means we should all be allowed to play and learn.

Week 6 – Responsibilities, I am learning what being responsible meansPersonal, Social & Emotional Development


Before we can share our thoughts, feeling and understanding, we need to learn to talk. We support the children in developing their communication and language through in variety of ways, firstly a language rich environment where children are encouraged to model good listening skills, take turns when talking and respect their friend’s ideas. This half term, the children’s learning will be focused on them. Their likes, dislikes, what makes them happy or sad. Who is their family, who they live with and enjoy spending time with and what their favourites games are to name but a few areas. As they are the experts in this topic, we are hoping they will soon be chatting away!


We will be reading lots and lots of stories such as; ‘Happy to be me’, ‘Pete The Cat And His White Shoes’ and ‘We’re Going To The Doctors’. During this time, we will learn how to use a book correctly for example: reading top to bottom, left to right, how to carefully turn the pages using our pinchy fingers and what the pictures can tell us about the story.

As part of our developing Literacy skills, we will also be making marks using a variety of media both indoors and out, give meaning to the marks we have make and begin to listen for familiar sounds in words.


In maths this half term, we will be sorting, matching and comparing, identifying similarities and differences and applying these skills to copy, continue and create simple AB patterns. We will then dip in to some early number work practising counting with 1:1 correspondence. To support our love of maths, we will be singing a variety of linked songs and nursery rhymes across the year. These will include some familiar favourites such as, 1,2,3,4,5 and 5 little ducks.


In Nursery, we love to get creative and Expressive Arts and Design is the perfect place for it.

This half term we will be focusing on the fundamentals of art including cutting, sticking and how to use the large range of resources we have available both safely and effectively. We will support the children in exploring how to make marks using lots of different tools including; pens, pencils, crayons, chalk, brushes and more.

We are also very excited to have Mrs Stuart joining us on a Wednesday! During her time in Nursery, she will be using her musical expertise to teach us lots of new songs, actions and rhymes whilst building confidence and vocabulary.


Physical development is also very important in the Early Years. The children will have the opportunity to develop both their fine and gross motors skills through a wide range of resources and activities available to them both indoors and out. During continuous provision children will always have access to our outdoor area where they will be able to develop their gross motor skills using the balancing equipment, obstacle course and our bikes and scooters as well as the open space where they can practising, running, skipping, hoping and rolling. All children will also take part in a PE session once a week. As described previously, the children will be able to take part in lots of fine motor activities too including; painting, drawing, scissor work and malleable play.

If you would like to learn more about the early Years Foundation Stage framework, here are two useful links:

Resources to support your child in their learning

Special Events in Nursery

For application details and any questions or queries please contact the school office;

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