Welcome to Year 1 - Yellow Class

Mr J Geaney
BEd (Hons), QTS specialising in PE

I am Mr Geaney, I am in my fourth year of teaching and I am one of the Year 1 teachers. I am really looking forward to getting to know children throughout the school. I can't wait to help the children develop in lots of different ways. I am really

Mrs C Marsh

PE Day & PE Kit
PE will take place on Friday.
Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.
What's New
Download Timetable
Snack Money
Tuck Shop is available after school on Wednesday and Friday.
Daily healthy snack is available to purchase every day at break time.
Snack money can be paid to a classroom staff.
The maximum amount snack will cost is £2 a week.
Children welcome to bring their own snack from home which is less than 110 calories.
Reading Books
Reading Books will usually be changed Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.
Reading books are changed once a book has been read three times.
Knowledge Organiser
You have been given a Knowledge Organiser and Homework Grid with some tasks relating to our topic.
Each week we will have a focus that has been covered on the Knowledge Organiser.
Children will receive up to 10 spellings per week to learn at home and will need to return them each Friday before the test.
Children will receive up to 5 Didi dots for each completed piece of homework from this half terms topic homework grid.
Recent Terms Archive
Welcome to Yellow Class

Class Topics For Each Half Term
Themes to be explored
Autumn 1:
Where do we live?
This term, we will dive into an exciting geography focus, exploring where we live and the world around us. Together, we’ll uncover fascinating facts about our local area, learn about the capital cities of the UK, and discover the differences between human and physical geography.
We’ll take a closer look at London, exploring its famous landmarks and what makes it such a vibrant city. Using Topsy and Tim stories, we’ll bring our learning to life with fun and engaging activities.
Our journey will also include learning about the people and animals we share our lives with. We’ll explore farm animals and create exciting clues to describe them. We’ll investigate what makes villages special, including their key features, and discover how people in our community help us every day.
Through hands-on learning, stories, and creative activities, we’ll deepen our understanding of the world and the community we call home!
Autumn 2:
Toys Through Time.
This term, we’ll explore the fascinating history of toys and how they have changed over time. We’ll learn to recognise old toys, compare them to modern ones, and discover what makes them unique, using adjectives to describe their features and practising forming questions with question marks. In literacy, we’ll also focus on using singular and plural forms accurately. In Design Technology, we’ll design and create our own puppets, using our plans to guide us step by step. In science, we’ll investigate materials and their properties, describing them with words like “soft,” “rigid,” and “flexible” to understand why certain materials are used for toys. By the end of the term, we’ll have a deeper appreciation for toys past and present, and we’ll have created something special of our own!
Links to support learning: Science
Spring 1:
Real Life Superheroes
This term, our history focus will be on remarkable people who have helped shape our lives for the better. We’ll delve into the inspiring stories of Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, Robert Peel, and the Wright Brothers, exploring their incredible contributions to society.
We’ll step into the shoes of Mary Seacole by creating a diary entry from her perspective, imagining her experiences and challenges. We’ll also compare her life and work to Florence Nightingale’s, discovering the similarities in their efforts to improve healthcare. For the Wright Brothers, we’ll create a fact file to showcase their ground-breaking achievements in aviation and how their invention changed the world. Finally, we’ll learn about Robert Peel and explore how the police force has evolved since its creation under his leadership.
Through these activities, we’ll gain a deeper understanding of how these individuals made a lasting impact on the world and improved the lives of others.
Spring 2:
Summer 1:
This science topic will take us on an exciting journey to learn all about dinosaurs! We’ll explore what they ate, how they lived, and discover fascinating facts about different types of dinosaurs. Our reading will include both fiction and non-fiction books, helping us understand the difference between the two.
As part of our investigation, we’ll take a close look at dinosaur teeth to determine whether they were meat-eaters or plant-eaters. This will also give us a chance to learn more about our own teeth and the types of food we eat.
To bring the world of dinosaurs to life, we’ll create our very own dinosaur fossils and take on the challenge of excavating them, just like real palaeontologists. It’s going to be a fun and educational adventure!
Summer 2:
This topic connects geography and science, offering a fascinating exploration of the seaside. We will learn about where to find the seaside and what makes it special. The children will discover what a beach is, explore its features, and investigate what we might find there, including rock pools and the creatures that inhabit them.
They’ll also delve into the differences between land and sea, gaining a deeper understanding of these environments. We’ll look at what people do at the seaside, what they might need for a trip there, and how the seaside is enjoyed.
In addition, the children will learn about plants—what they need to grow, how they thrive, and where we can find them. This topic promises to be a rich and engaging journey through the natural world!
Links to support learning: Geography