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Welcome to Year 4 - Sapphire Class


PE Day & PE Kit

PE will take place on Tuesday.

Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.

What's New
Download Timetable

Snack Money

Tuck Shop is available after school
on Wednesday and Friday.

Daily healthy snack is available to purchase every day at break time. Snack can be purchased at morning break. The maximum amount snack will cost is £2 a week. Children welcome to bring their own snack from home which is less than 110 calories.

Reading Books

Reading Books will usually be changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.

Knowledge Organiser

You have been given a Knowledge Organiser and Homework Grid with some tasks relating to our topic.

Each week we will have a focus that has been covered on the Knowledge Organiser.





will get up to 12 spellings per week to learn at home.

Recent Terms Archive

Welcome to Sapphire Class


This term we will begin with studying Tudor Explorers. We will begin by learning a bit about the Tudor period in general before exploring what the Explorers did.  It should be a great topic with lots of history and geography being covered!

RE- This half term out RE topic is Beliefs and Practices with our key question being; What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?

Science - Our topic is Electricity, we will be learning all about conductors, insulators and making different kinds of circuits.

Jigsaw- Our Jigsaw topic is Relationships

Week 1- Jealousy

Week 2- Love and loss

Week 3- Memories

Week 4- Getting on and falling out

Week 5-  Girlfriends and boyfriends

Week 6- Celebrating my relationships with people and animals

CLASP - During the year Sapphire will take part in CLASP sessions on a Thursday afternoon. These activities include: cooking, construction, First Aid, sport, Spanish, textiles, forest school and swimming.

Homework: Spellings and maths homework will be given out on a Thursday and returned the following Thursday. Pupils will be in groups for Read Write Inc spellings according to the spelling patterns they know.


Here is statutory spelling word list for Year 3 and 4 that the children are expected to know:

Spellingwordlist y3-4.pdf

Here is a useful link for spelling games that can be completed on a laptop or tablet.


Our bronze and silver attendance award winners today. 15.4.24

Timeline activity!

If you would like any more information about upcoming dates, events or whole school news then just click here.

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