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Welcome to Year 4/5 - Sapphire Class

Miss E Powell

Miss E Powell


BA (Hons) PGCE
Miss E Powell

I ar rived in the Autumn term to take over Sapphire class and I have loved getting to know them. I love the inclusivity at Bewsey Lodge and how we celebrate achievement whilst striving to be the best we can be.

Miss L Wright

Miss L Wright


Miss L Wright

PE Day & PE Kit

PE will take place on Thursday.

Please ensure you child comes to school in their PE Kit on that day.

What's New
Download Timetable

Snack Money

Tuck Shop is available after school
on Wednesday and Friday.

Daily healthy snack is available to purchase every day at break time. Snack can be purchased at morning break. The maximum amount snack will cost is £2 a week. Children welcome to bring their own snack from home which is less than 110 calories.

Reading Books

Reading Books will usually be changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please read with your child every night and sign their reading record.

Knowledge Organiser

You have been given a Knowledge Organiser and Homework Grid with some tasks relating to our topic.

Each week we will have a focus that has been covered on the Knowledge Organiser.




will get up to 12 spellings per week to learn at home.



Recent Terms Archive

Welcome to Sapphire Class


Class Topics For Each Half Term

Autumn 1:

Women in the War.

A history focus where we will learn about the roles of women during WW2, who helped lead our country to victory. We will learn about the specific roles where women put their lives on the line to defend and help keep their country running  during the many years WW2 lasted for, such as working in local bomb factories at Risley to working the land as Land Army girls. In order to fully grasp some of the roles the women completed, we will be taking part in various workshops, where the children will have a hands on opportunity to learn what life was life as a Land Army member and as a WW2 nurse on the frontline.

Links to support learning:  History 

Autumn 2:

One Giant Step!

This term we will focus on another history focus which looks at significant people who have helped to develop space travel over the years including British astronaut Sir Tim Peake, British mathematician Ada Lovelace and Sir Tim Berners Lee who was a computer scientist. Each of the people previously mentioned helped develop the world of space travel and exploration in different ways and will become the key figures that the children learn about this term.

Links to support learning:  Science Science 

Spring 1:

Lodge Lane to Louisiana.

This term is our geography topic where we will look at the key differences between a South American country and our own local area. We will develop geographical skills such as map reading and find out where Louisiana sits on a globe in relation to where we live in Warrington. To develop our writing we will also explore the tradition of the Mardi Gras festival writing our very own travel brochure and look at the story of Huckleberry Finn to create our own fictional story.

Links to support learning:  Geography    Science 

This term we will focus on literacy using the fairytales of Shrek and the wonderful characters that are used within the family favourite film. To further encourage the children and develop their love of writing we are going on a day trip to London where we will take part in a literacy workshop and tour at ‘Shrek’s Adventure’ as well as taking a river cruise along Thames taking in the sights of London’s skyline.

Links to support learning:     Science 

This term we will be looking into how landscape changes over time as well as the historic transport links to the Victorian railway and how it impacted change for the future. This topic has a focus on The Lakes as a holiday destination with a special focus on its geographical features to develop our knowledge of the land and how it changes over time.

Links to support learning:   History   

Summer 2:


This term is all about science with our Changes topic, where we will look at the natural changes that occur in the natural world including insects, mammals, amphibians and humans. To bring the subject alive we will have our very own class butterflies, which we will will watch grow and change from a chrysalis into a fully grown butterflies.

Links to support learning:  Science 

To view other curriculum subjects please click on the links below:
MathsMusic SpanishArtScience Design TechnologyJigsawP.E.R.E.ComputingEnglish

Useful documents if you would like to support your child further:

Year 3&4 Spelling List

Year 5&6 Spelling List

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